MPI for Parallel Tempering

Stat 221, Lecture 19



  • MPI explained
    • Messages and mailboxes
    • Asynchronous (nonblocking) communication
  • Parallel Tempering-specific elements
    • Random number streams
  • Intro to Equi-Energy Sampler

Something to think about

Example: homework

Model for ranking data based on rater class membership \\( Z_i \\).

$$Z_i \sim \rr{Multinom}_N \left(\vec{p}_i\right)$$

$$\begin{align} & l(B \given \{\vec{Z}_i, C_{ijk}\} ) = \rr{const} + \\ & \sum_{i=1}^I \left( \sum_{j \in J_i} \sum_{k \in K_{ij}} \left[ \vec{x}_{jk}' B - \rr{log} \sum_{l = 1}^{L_j} e^{ \vec{x}_{jl}' B} \right] \right) \cdot \vec{Z}_i \end{align}$$

What could be parallelized?

Pretend the data is big

Map-Reduce paradigm:

  • Map the data by rater/rater group, calculate the likelihood contribution for each, reduce to the whole likelihood.
  • Likelihood needs to be computed many times.
  • What would be the speed of that?

Communication speed becomes a big issue. Could be 15x or more slower than doing locally.

What parts of log-posterior fit this structure?

Zooming out

  • To successfully parallelize in a non-GPU setting, need to be looking at a higher-level parallelism.
  • We could, for example, run several chains in parallel and combine/analyze the results.
  • Anything else?


  • Non-embarrassingly parallel computing is a happy alternative to slow non-GPU embarrassingly parallel computing that allows to gain performance over serial computing.
  • MPI facilitates this with a flexible communication protocol.

How to make it parallel

  • Run everything on one node (multicore vs no parallelization).
  • Can tell worker nodes to run chains.
  • Handling replica exchange communication (main thing):
    • All through the master node.
    • Allow maximum inter-worker communication, independent of the master.
  • Pros and cons of each method?

Blocking vs non-blocking design

  • Blocking design is when your parallel computing system sits idle waiting for something to occur.
  • Non-blocking design is when we minimize unnecessary wait times so that the nodes do what they are supposed to do (compute) and don't sit idle.

Non-blocking design

  • Want to minimize inter-node communication
    • Running identical random number streams on workers.
    • Communicate directly with another worker and not through master.

Getting started with MPI

  • It can work using cores of your personal computer (fast communication).
  • It can work on your cloud computing cluster (Rmpi on Odyssey).
  • Working with MPI is about understanding asynchronous message passing between worker nodes.

Starting MPI

master.initializeWorkers <- function (mpistt, lgr = NULL)
  ## fix the R exit function
  ## start MPI workers
  mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves = mpistt$nworkers)
  ## all set

Now that we have workers ready

  • Time to think what they should do.
  • Go back to the blackboard:

In the homework example, let

$$\rr{log}\vec{a}_i = \sum_{j \in J_i} \sum_{k \in K_{ij}} \left[ \vec{x}_{jk}' B - \rr{log} \sum_{l = 1}^{L_j} e^{ \vec{x}_{jl}' B} \right]$$

Need to sample from posterior

With a prior on \\( Z_i \\):

$$Z_i \sim \rr{Multinom}_N \left(\vec{p}_i\right)$$

$$\begin{align} \rr{log}p(B, Z \given C_{ijk} ) = & \rr{const} + \\ & \sum_{i=1}^I \left( \rr{log} \vec{p}_i + \rr{log}\vec{a}_i\right) \cdot \vec{Z}_i \end{align}$$

Definitions for Parallel Tempering

Define \\( \theta = \{B, Z \} \\), and then, conveniently, \\( E(\theta) = - \rr{log} p(B, Z \given \rr{data}) \\), and

$$\Pi (X) = \prod_{i=1}^N {e^{- \beta_i E(\theta_i)} \over D(T_i)}$$

with \\( \beta_i = {1 \over T_i }\\) and \\( D(T_i) = \int e^{- \beta_i E(x_i)} dx_i\\).

\\( T_i \\)'s are temperatures for parallel chains.

The goal

  • We'd like to simulate from \\( p(\theta \given \rr{data}) \\).
  • \\( \theta_i \\) are distinct copies of \\( \theta \\) running in parallel chains (replicas).
  • PT will attempt to swap replicas from time to time according to acceptance probability:

$$\begin{align} &P_{\rr{replica}} (\theta_i \leftrightarrow \theta_{i+1}) = \\ & = \rr{min} \left( 1, e^{(\beta_i - \beta_{i+1})(E(\theta_i) - E(\theta_{i+1}))}\right)\end{align}$$

Note: replica exchange probability is symmetric.

Workers need to know their objects

## broadcast require/library command for all needed packages
mpi.bcast.cmd(cmd = library('MCMCpack'), rank = 0,
              nonblock = FALSE)
mpi.bcast.cmd(cmd = library('rstream'), rank = 0,
              nonblock = FALSE)
mpi.bcast.cmd(cmd = library('combinat'), rank = 0,
              nonblock = FALSE)
## broadcast all needed functions (those whose names start 
## with lpl, worker, or mpi)
funcNames <- ls(envir = .GlobalEnv)
lplfuns <- funcNames[grep("lpl|worker|mpi", funcNames)]
for (fun in lplfuns) {
   mpi.bcast.NamedObj2slave(obj = eval(, nam = fun)

We are literally populating the little R sessions running on workers.

Worker random number streams

master.setupRstreams <- function (mpistt, base, lgr = NULL)
  ## NOTE : this creates two global variables in each worker:
  ## stream -- a variable with all random number generators
  ## rns -- a list with all generated random number streams
  streams <- sapply(1:mpistt$nworkers, function (ii)
         master.makePackedRstreams(nworkers = mpistt$nworkers, 
                                   base = base,
                                   seed = mpistt$seed,
                                   lgr = lgr)
      }, simplify = FALSE)
  ## send random streams to workers
  for (ii in 1:mpistt$nworkers) {
    mpi.send.Robj(obj = streams[[ii]], dest = ii, tag = 10)
  ## broadcast all workers to receive their streams
  ## broadcast all workers to generate random number streams
  ## and store them in the rns object (to be much used later)
    stream <- mpi.recv.Robj(source = mpi.any.source(),
                                 tag = mpi.any.tag())
    rns <- worker.generateRstreams(nn = stt$niter,
                        stream = stream, lgr = lgr)

PT random number streams

  • For this, need to be able to initialize random number streams at the same value and send them to workers.

Making rstreams

## rstream is faster than other libraries*
dummy <- new("rstream.mrg32k3a", seed = 1:6)
rstream.sample(dummy, 1)

For details on the rstream library, see this paper.

How it all works

taken from the reference paper.

This looks confusing

  • The formalism makes it look more complicated.
  • It's easier to tell a story of how workers should behave.

Use message passing to communicate between workers.

How mailboxes work

  • Seidning functions: mpi_send/mpi_isend (and variations)
  • Receiving functions: mpi_recv/mpi_irecv
  • Check mailbox: mpi_testany
  • Message waiting: mpi_wait


Worker 1

for (el in elements) {
  mpi.isend(el, type = 2, dest = 2, tag = 1)
mpi.isend(0, type = 2, dest = 2, tag = 2)

Worker 2

done <- FALSE
while (!done) {
  x <- 0
  mpi.irecv(x, type = 2, source = mpi.any.source(),
            tag = mpi.any.tag())
  messageinfo <- mpi.get.sourcetag()
  workerid <- messageinfo[1]
  tag      <- messageinfo[2]
  if (tag == 1) print(x) else done <- TRUE

Better async sending/receiving

## worker 1
mpi.send(1:10, type = 2, dest = 2, tag = 0)
## worker 2
x <- numeric(10)
mpi.irecv(x, type = 2, source = 1, tag = 0)

Can send and async receive vectors (unlike hw5 reference code).

Very useful embarrassing functions

  • mpi.i*apply* (Rmpi Map-Reduce)
  • Pset5: mpi.printObj (in lib-student.R)
mpi.printObj <- function (obj, nworkers, simplify = TRUE)
  fun <- if (simplify) mpi.iparSapply else mpi.iparLapply
  fun(1:nworkers, function (ee) 

Can use mpi.printObj to print objects from workers (super useful when debugging).

Go from top-down: master node

## Run the initial pre-loop commands of the algorithm - require, globals
master.initializeAlgo(mpistt = mpistt,
                      objs = list(datform = datform, datorig = datorig,
                                  stt = stt),
                      lgr = lgr)
## Setup the random number streams on the workers -- important to call AFTER
## initializeAlgo because this uses a transferred worker function
master.setupRstreams(mpistt = mpistt, base = rsb, lgr = lgr)
## testing code
#dia <- mpi.printObj(obj = worker(), nworkers = mpistt$nworkers, simplify = FALSE)
#master.printWorkerStatuses(obj = dia, lgr = lgr)
## at this point the workers should be equipped with the needed functions and 
## we should be good to go -- time to start the main loop
mpi.bcast.cmd(cmd = { wres <- worker() }, rank = 0, nonblock = FALSE)
## master function
res <- master(mpistt = mpistt, lgr = lgr)
## align the possibly switched temperatures, and for the clean object (draws 
## at temperature 1)
resA <- master.alignTemperatures(res = res, lgr = lgr)
clean <- resA[[which(stt$temp == 1)]]
# close slaves and exit.

Main functions are giant loops:

master <- function (mpistt, lgr = NULL)
  nworkers <- mpistt$nworkers
  closedworkers <- 0
  res <- list()
  ii <- 0
  while (closedworkers < nworkers && ii < mpistt$maxiter) {
    ii <- ii + 1
    # Receive a message from a worker
    message <- mpi.recv.Robj(mpi.any.source(), mpi.any.tag())
    messageinfo <- mpi.get.sourcetag()
    workerid <- messageinfo[1]
    tag      <- messageinfo[2]
    if (tag == 1) {
      ## The worker is giving an update on the progress 
      say(lgr, 1, message)
    } else if (tag == 2) {
      ## The worker is done, and the message contains the resulting 
      ## object
      say(lgr, 1, "Worker ", workerid, " is done")
      res[[workerid]] <- message
      closedworkers <- closedworkers + 1

Need to careful with

  • mpi.irecv and mpi.isend
  • These functions are asynchronous!

From worker.irecvObject:

## here define a global variable for receiving buffer
recvObj <<- 2012.2012
mpi.irecv(x = recvObj, type = 2, source = recSrc,
          tag = mpi.any.tag())

Need to be constantly monitoring the recvObj buffer variable.

Worker irecv code

worker.irecvObject <- function (mpiReq, receiveFromSource, valueTag, lgr = NULL)
  ## receive object if there is no unprocessed object currently hanging 
  ## around
  if (mpiReq$allowReceiveObj) {
    if (!mpiReq$objRecvInProgress) {
      mpiReq$obj <- list()
    ## ensure to be receiving objects from a single source
    if (!mpiReq$irecvActive) {
      recSrc <- receiveFromSource
      ## here define a global variable for receiving buffer
      recvObj <<- 2013.2013
      mpi.irecv(x = recvObj, type = 2, source = recSrc,
      tag = mpi.any.tag())
      mpiReq$irecvActive <- TRUE
    ## check if the object has been received. If yes, populate obj with 
    ## parsed values
    if (mpiReq$irecvActive) {
      testRecv <- mpi.testany(count = 1)
      mpiReq$currentTag <- -1
      if (testRecv$flag) {
        mpiReq$objRecvInProgress <- TRUE
        msginfo           <- mpi.get.sourcetag()
        src               <- msginfo[1]
        mpiReq$currentTag <- msginfo[2]
        leninfo           <- mpi.get.count(type = 2)
        if (src != SELF) {
          mpiReq$obj$source <- src
          for (nam in names(valueTag)) {
            if (valueTag[[nam]] == mpiReq$currentTag) {
              temp <- recvObj + 0
              mpiReq$obj[[nam]] <- worker.assign(temp)
        mpiReq$irecvActive <- FALSE


  • T-shirt comp.
  • Final project - 2nd checkpoint.


Final slide

  • Next lecture: Equi-Energy Sampler.